Our Commitment to


Ensuring a safe product and work environment is our most important job for our customers, and for the industry.

Our Top Priority

We have built a technology in which safety is core to our name and culture, and is the cornerstone of everything we do.

We understand the critical importance of ensuring that our technology, work product, and personnel all adhere to the highest safety standards. From the operating system, the software development, and the day-to-day operations at our customers’ sites around the world, our priority is to deliver a safe product and work environment with our autonomous operations, while working collaboratively with our customers and partners to ensure that we are adhering to their specific safety guidelines and processes.

Our team has deep expertise in developing critical safety protocols and technology for autonomous vehicles, as well as development in advanced AI technology, in which we hold several patents. “Safety Above All Else” is our first value for a reason – it’s the one that matters the most to us and it will never be compromised.

Our SAF operating system also been awarded the ASIL D certification, the highest safety integrity level in the industry. You can learn more about our ASIL D certification here.


safety framework

We’ve built our overall framework to address a “safety first” approach which begins early in the design phase and continues all the way through to deployment, and beyond.  We work collaboratively with each of our customers to develop a Safety Plan that aligns with their unique needs and requirements.

Advance Assessment
Prior to any deployment, a hazard analysis, risk identification, and mitigation plan, including Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA), are defined for both the development stage, and the implementation of the autonomous technology on site.
STPA Foundation

We use the System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) for hazard analysis and as the foundation of our Safety Framework, and for our top down analysis (from concept to deployment) to assist in identifying safety requirements and constraints.

Compliant Code

Our code has been developed in accordance with MISRA and AUTOSAR, the rules and guidelines established for safe software development in automotive and vehicular industries. We’ve also been awarded the ASIL D certification, the highest safety integrity level in the industry.

On Site Protocols

Our safe work practices include advanced education and training, change management, secure access to the Autonomous Operating Zone (AOZ), visible mode change procedures, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, and strict emergency response protocols.

Safety Report

Integration of autonomous technology and equipment at a construction or mining site is a complex task.

You can learn more about SafeAI’s comprehensive Safety strategy and workflow in our 2023 Safety Report.

Download Safety Report

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